Privacy Policy

Safeguarding your privacy is of paramount importance to us, and we are fully dedicated to ensuring the security of your information. Our Privacy Policy delineates the manner in which we gather, employ, and share the data acquired from our customers and website visitors.

By engaging with PureHerbStore or providing your personal information, you grant consent to the utilization of your information as outlined in this Privacy Policy. This policy works in conjunction with our Terms Of Service, and by utilizing our Site, you acknowledge agreement to both the Terms Of Service and this Privacy Policy.

Section 1 - Modifications to this Privacy Policy

As our privacy practices may evolve over time, any adjustments or updates will be communicated through posting the policy changes on our website. By continuing to utilize our Site after such changes, you indicate your consent to be governed by the updated Privacy Policy. We recommend reviewing this policy each time you access our Site.

Section 2 - Categories of Information We Gather

We gather Personal Information, encompassing details that identify or facilitate contact, such as name, address, email, payment details, and purchase history. This might also include information shared about others when applicable.

When making a purchase on our website, we may request personal information to process orders, provide information, or send promotional emails. Furthermore, we may collect voluntary feedback, comments, reviews, or content shared about your interactions with our products through various channels.

We endeavor to restrict the collection and retention of Personal Information to what is essential for delivering our services.

Section 3 - How We Utilize Your Information

We employ the information we collect for business purposes, including:

  • Responding to inquiries and requests
  • Enhancing our products and services
  • Analyzing customer and website trends
  • Customizing user experiences
  • Carrying out advertising and marketing endeavors, including sending communications about promotions and offers
  • Notifying you of policy or program changes
  • Sharing information for business purposes and as legally required or permitted

Section 4 - Cookies

We implement cookies on our website for various objectives, and a list of these cookies is provided. You have the option to opt out of cookies if you prefer.

Section 5 - Opt-Out Procedures

If you wish to discontinue receiving information or direct contact from PureHerbStore, such as emails, newsletters, discounts, or promotional offers, kindly get in touch with us or use the opt-out choice included in our email communications.

Section 6 - Privacy Precaution Warning

While we apply reasonable measures to secure your personal information, no method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is entirely foolproof. You also play a role in safeguarding your information.

Section 7 - Contact Information

For queries, comments, or concerns regarding our privacy practices, please contact us at We will strive to respond to your inquiries and provide further privacy-related details whenever feasible.